Thursday, October 17, 2013

Happy Thursday!

I hope your week has been fabulous so far! I thought I would do a quick post about my week so far! 

I have to be honest. I haven't been great this week with attending the gym and my eating habits, but I have made progress! This week I worked on opting for water instead of soda!

I have done pretty well on that task. I did have a relapse and indulged in 2 Cherry Cokes this week and baking those Carrot Cake Cupcakes on Sunday wasn't the best idea.

But I have learned from my mistakes!

The thing I find most difficult is I can dictate what food is in my fridge, but work is completely different! With Halloween knocking at our door there is candy on every desk! Sometimes I feel like the Peanut Butter cups just call my name.
 Say NO to Peanut Butter cups!

 The free soda is the biggest issue! Before I started working at my current job a year ago I rarely had soda. I don't keep it in my house, and when I go to restaurants I opt for water. (Really I'm just too cheap to spend $3 on a glass of soda when I know it's only 20 cents!) Keeping a large 1 liter water bottle at my desk with a glass of ice has helped keep me away from the evil soda fridge.

Now that we have discussed my weakness' lets get to the positives!

Thursday, October 17th. Post-Workout! 
This week I started enjoying my Body by Vi shakes again! They are super easy to make and the possibilities are endless! I prefer the fruity shakes, but you can make iced coffee shakes, chocolate shakes, etc. Literally endless. 

If your a Pin-aholic like I am. (Pin-A-Hol-Ic: A person who visits Pinterest every free moment they get!) You can search for shake ideas. I will post the website to purchase the Body by Vi protein powder. The idea is that you replace a meal (or two) with a shake. 

 I have a shake in the morning for breakfast and two meals throughout the day. When I start to feel hungry I will have a snack. Here is the recipe for my shake this morning: 

8 fluid oz of V8 fruit juice 
Frozen strawberries and pineapple
Two scoops of Body by Vi powder
5 ice cubes

Simple right!? 

I use an old school blender, but you can use those tiny little ninja things! You simply add all the ingredients and blend! You can add more ice, or juice depending on the consistency you like!

I will post more shake recipes throughout the weeks and what I do for exercise! Its nothing fancy! 
Each week I try to attend the gym four times. Two with my trainer and two on my own. 
One day I will make it to six times a week. One day. 

That's all for today folks! 

xoxo, jess

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